Thursday, December 17, 2009

The best fishing dog

I think every fisherman out there would love to have a dog like this dog.

Whites Ranch

We finally got to go and do some pheasant hunting on the club. Of course the weather was not the best but it was better (and warmer) than the day before. The day before we went hunting it was a nice -11 in Logan in the morning. We got to hunt in a nice 21 degree weather. It did snow most of the time that we where there, but we still had a good time. We ending up getting 25 birds between the four of us that went. And before you ask if this above the legal limit, it is, but that is because we are on a private hunting club. We all had a great time and of course like to watch the dogs do there work. I think we might have gotten one or two birds if it was not for the dogs help. I think the dogs love to hunt even more than we do.

Monday, October 26, 2009

2009 Deer Hunt

Just to start, I have a great boss that lets me tag along with he and his boys on there deer hunting adventures. This year was no different. We hunt on a ranch just out of Lake Town, Utah (South of Bear Lake) and needless to say there are allot of deer in this place. This year my son got to go along with me and he had a great time. We all filled our tags this year so that is a total of 8 bucks shot. My shot was about 220 yards, I only took one shot and he walked about 15 yards and was down. My son was so excited, then again he wanted me to shoot something on the first day of the hunt, and it was not that big of a deer, I am glad that I waited. All in all it was great hunt with great friends.

Monday, October 19, 2009

TOMMY GUN Need we say more

This is the first fully automatic gun that I have ever shot, and yes it was an original issue to the FBI Thompson Sub Machine gun aka Tommy Gun. It was a blast to shoot I just wish they would let us shoot more than just ten rounds.

FBI fun

I got to go and "play" with the FBI for the last few weeks. They have a citizens academy that they will put you through to give you a better understanding of what the FBI is about. One of the best parts about it is that you get to go and shoot there guns and have other demonstrations on the last day of class. This first video is of a bunch of different explosives. I will post other videos of me shooting some of there weapons. Needless to say it was way fun.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nice Sign

I had to put this picture on because it is so true. It was a good laugh for me.

Henry's Fork Winter Fishing

One of our favorite things to do is go fishing on the Henry's Fork early spring late winter how ever you look at it the weather is really cold and the water even more cold, in fact sometimes there is ice flowing down the river. This is nice because not so many people venture out into the cold, so the fishing is usually really great. Always worth the drive, and of course we stay at Grandpa & Grandma Arnold's house not only to sleep, but for the chocolate cake with whip cream on top, yum yum.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Taking the young ones out.

Rob and I decided that we needed to take the boys fishing on the south fork. Boy was it a fun trip, Everyone caught fish, but the best part of the day was trying to find a way to get to the truck and get the boat out. The drainage that took us to the truck was dry so Rob and Mike ended up float down an extra 7 or 8 miles to the next boat take out and Jared and I hiked to the truck. We made it off the river a little later that we wanted. We did have choclate cake waiting for us at Grandmas house. Fun trip.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fishin' in Montana

This was my first trip to Montana chasing big browns on the Big Hole and Red Rock. We went 3rd week of July. Flies of choice were olive wooly buggers, rubber legs and sculpins.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fishing With the Boys

Well here is the first blog for the Rubber Legs Crew. We are going to be posting about fishing trip and hunting trips that we have gone on. We will be posting things such as what flies worked and how the success was for the day, weather, wildlife that we see and any funny or embarrassing stories. I hope you all enjoy this, I know I will.