Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2010 Turkey Hunt

As you can see from the pictures it was a successful turkey hunt this year. I have drawn out on tags in the past, but have not taken a turkey until this year. I put in for the earlier hunt and I was one of 400 people that got a tag for the northern region of Utah. I have not been able to go hunting until today, but it was worth every minute of the wait. It was an early start to the day I left the house at 4:15 and drove to the hunting area. Once there I had to hike into the spot that I wanted to hunt, all of this done in the dark. I set up and waited only a few minutes before I started to hear the turkeys calling back and forth to each other. I then realized that I was going to be in the wrong area to get a shot. I waited until the turkeys went below some trees and made a move to better ground. I got in place just in time, but I was about 25 yards to far to the left of the main group of turkeys. So once again I waited until they moved to a spot that they could not see me and I snuck down the hill and moved more to the north. This time when I came up the hill I was in the perfect spot. With about twenty hens (female turkeys) and two toms (male turkeys) I was ready. The turkeys where moving my way all I had to do is wait until the big one was all by his self and boom, he was down. My first turkey!! It was awesome. To bad I was all by myself and had no one to enjoy the moment with, but I at least had the camera and a timer. So the family will be having turkey for dinner tonight, and I will be able to tie more fishing flies with the feathers. It was great and I cant wait until next year.

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