Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weber River

This last Saturday I had the bug to go fishing. I know Idaho is best for this, but sometimes you have to settle for something a little bit closer. So Chase and I went and fished the Weber river right at the mouth of Weber Canyon. It was a really nice day weather wise, the sun was out, not allot of wind, you get the picture. Well we ended up catching 4 fish total, three browns and one rainbow. The water was a little low but there were still some holes to fish, the only problem was that there was only one fish per hole, at least that is what our story is. It was still nice to get out and get the line wet. Not bad for only being 15 min from my house. We took the picture with my cell phone, that is all we had, but it took a desent picture. We might have to try this place latter in the season to see if we can catch more fish. I did screen the river and there were plenty of bugs in the river, they looked like really small stone flys maybe in a size 14, so we used copper johns and pheasant tails, I think a hairsear would have worked well also.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Henrys Feb 2010

Finally a day of fishing on the Henry's Fork in Idaho. We like to hit this part of the river in the winter time because the fish get stacked up in one area and not allot of people are out in the cold. The day started out with a little fun getting stuck in the truck and having to put on chains eventually to get the truck out. Thank goodness we did have chains or it could have been a really long day. The weather was also interesting, at the start of the day it was very overcast and there was supposed to be a storm coming in. So much for the storm, it turned out to be very sunny and nice and warm for Idaho, it was probably about 33 degrees. The fishing was good as well everyone caught fish some more than others but I think if we added all of the fish up that was caught for the day we would have somewhere between 100 to 125 fish caught for the group. Granted most of those fish were small and Rob likes to pad his numbers but what can I say it was a good day. As usual the rubber leg fly worked well along with different kinds of midge patterns. To top off the trip on the way back to the truck we could see the Tetons sticking up out of the clouds. And of course a fishing trip to Idaho would not be complete without a stay at G and G bed and breakfast. Good times had by all.